Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Rolling Stone's Magazine Cover: Bad Press is any Press (What are your thoughts?)

What does it mean to succeed? I found out this morning that the Rolling Stone's magazine featured the suspect of the Boston bombing this past April.  The young kid is featured on the cover, glorified as a model?  Is he a model?  Looks of it shows he is.  On the contrary...this suspected terrorist is just the opposite.  He is suspected to be behind the awful bombings that happened during the Boston Marathon.  Him and his brother are believed to have set the bombs off.  So why, Rolling Stones magazine are you blasting his a beautiful superstar!!!  Well respected artists such as Michael Jackson, Jimi Hendrix, Sandra Bullock, Taylor Swift...PRESIDENT OBAMA...why does he get to share the cover when others have made accomplishments on the other side of the spectrum.  Meshing terrorism with IDOLS is not a good message.  If someone commits a terrorist one will be glorified.  I understand that bad press is any press but couldn't this magazine issue something less offensive.  Terrorist and murder is a pretty big deal.  At least put an ugly picture of him. Because at the end of the day, what message are they sending...  Girls look at him as a beautiful boy aside from a terrorist.  There ain't nothing beautiful about what he did.  SO!  It seems succeeding now a days consists of doing anything, including getting away with murder (pun intended) because to be featured on the cover of a magazine is an accomplishment.  He must have done something right.  Right?

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